While black bears aren’t an everyday sight, they are a fascinating part of the wildlife here in New Hampshire. Known for their shy and mostly passive nature, these incredible creatures prefer to avoid human interaction. However, it’s important to remember that you should never approach a black bear—always give them space and respect their wild instincts.
I’ve had my fair share of encounters with these majestic animals. One memorable experience happened while I was mountain biking on a trail in Henniker, New Hampshire. A black bear suddenly appeared in the middle of the path, standing still and simply watching me. He showed no signs of aggression, but I backed up and kept my bike between us just to be cautious. After a few moments, he calmly sauntered off into the woods.
More recently, we had a heart-stopping incident involving our dog, Ozzy. For reasons only Ozzy could understand, he decided to tussle with a black bear in our yard. Thankfully, the bear backed off after a few seconds, and Ozzy emerged without a scratch. It’s not a situation I’d like to see repeated, but it was a stark reminder of how strong and unpredictable wildlife can be.
Black bears are clever and incredibly strong, as we’ve learned firsthand from their visits to our property. Despite our best efforts to keep our bird feeder safe—inside a chain-link fence and mounted on a 10-foot steel pole—the bears are undeterred. They’ve not only bent the pole like it’s a twig but also managed to open the gate to access the fenced-in area. Their determination and strength are nothing short of astonishing.
For those interested in ‘how to safely observe black bears in New Hampshire’ or curious about their behavior, these encounters highlight both the awe and caution that come with living near such powerful wildlife. Black bears are an iconic part of New Hampshire’s ecosystem, and respecting their space ensures peaceful coexistence for everyone.